Care Packages

If sending any letters or boxes please see the important notes below.

  • At the bottom left corner of all boxes and letters, write: Hold for Jim Boatwright, GDT Hiker, ETA: (date)
  • Send Jim an email so he will know to check at the Post Office.
  • Please note that all dates are estimated; they will very likely change.  You can email Jim to ask when he expects to arrive.
  • Please try to make sure your package arrives at least one week before his ETA (estimated time of arrival).
  • A note for my American friends.  The six letters and numbers below each address are Canadian zip codes and are required.

What to send?

Take a look at the FAQ page to get an idea about the sort of foods Jim normally eats while on the trail.  When you eat nearly the same thing all the time, a change of pace is always a special treat.  So anything that you think would be a nice treat and can keep a couple weeks would be great!  Keep in mind that Jim has to either use what is sent before leaving town or carry it on the trail, so 5 pounds of peanut brittle might be a little much.

A simple letter would also be much appreciated.

ETA: 7/12

Jim Boatwright
c/o General Delivery
12537 20th Ave
Blairmore, AB
T0K 0E0

ETA: 7/23

Jim Boatwright
c/o General Delivery
204 Buffalo Street
Banff, AB
T1L 1A0

ETA: 8/8

Jim Boatwright
c/o General Delivery
502 Patricia Street
Jasper, AB
T0E 1E0